IT Outsourcing to Canada - 10 Reasons Why
If you have never outsourced before, you may wonder why and how Canada would be a better idea than other parts of the world – say Asia or Eastern Europe, or anywhere else really. Read below about the benefits when choosing Canada for outsourcing.
While some benefits are quite obvious – such as the proximity and shared language – some may only become so once you analyze other, more nuanced aspects, such as education, and company culture.
Teams For Hire in Canada - 10 Reasons Why
Here are 10 reasons why Canada is a strong contender for your outsourcing needs.
- Time zones. It is both detrimental to health, as well as inconvenient, to work through the night or arranging meetings and dealing with your team well past their bedtime. This also leads to lost productivity since answers to critical questions are delayed until the entire team is online. This is not the case with Canada, which shares similar time zones with the US.
- Language. No need for extra staff to translate, adapt and interpret whatever was said in yesterday’s meeting. This leaves no room for misunderstanding either, as English is one of the two official languages in Canada.
- Similar educational and professional culture. Cultures around the globe are different and it is a challenge more often than not to adjust and establish solid lines of communication with teams with different perspectives. While understanding diverse points of view helps enrich the team, it can also be an encumbrance when your select team-for-hire has no perspective whatsoever on the specific needs of your business due to a severe cultural clash. This is not the case with Canada, which shares very similar backgrounds in this respect with the US.
- Proximity. This one probably speaks for itself. But just in case it doesn’t: it is much easier and much cheaper to fly from pretty much anywhere in the US to pretty much anywhere in Canada than, say, South-East Asia or Eastern Europe.
- A large highly educated tech workforce. Over the last decade, Canada has made sustained efforts to attract the young and talented IT minds of the world. With programs such as the Global Talent Stream, Canada has made it easy for its companies to bring in skilled employees from everywhere.
- The exchange rate. Yes, Canada also operates in dollars. However, the Canadian dollar is lower (by approximately 20%) than its US counterpart. Your budget will take you further in Canada than in the States.
- Tax incentives. In line with its other efforts to bring in talent and companies, the Canadian government also offers a number of tax incentives and other benefits to recruit companies and projects. Canadian teams for hire are, of course, no exception, especially in the IT field.
- Bandwidth quality. Again, a simple matter. Would you rather experience frustration and fear of the unknown with a transoceanic connection or would you prefer a fast and reliable neighbor with everything already in place?
- Solid, simple legislation. This goes hand in hand with the culture bit, but in short, you need not expect insurmountable hurdles and endless paperwork in Canada. Things will go smoothly based on a standard contract, not unlike what you would expect in the US, since the Canadian law does not specifically regulate this type of transaction.
- Proper handling of all relevant legal matters, such as confidentiality and security. In a very similar manner to the US, Canadian companies are expected to follow similar guidelines and legal requirements in providing IT services.
With vast experience and expertise in bespoke application development, cloud migration, and application modernization, our Canada-based team would be happy to engage with you to develop a custom-tailored plan for your IT expansion efforts.